

Up Next at Kulturschlachthof


We as Kulturschlachthof want to offer an event free of harassment and discrimination for everyone - regardless of gender, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, physical appearance, physique, looks, body size, age, ethnic, regional and / or religious affiliation or origin or socio-economic status.

Harassment and border crossings disrupt the event for everyone. We ask you to contact us if you experience or observe such behaviour. You can do this either at events via awareness teams, bar staff or security staff, or anonymously. You are welcome to use our mailbox at the entrance to the Schlachthof or write an email to awareness@freiraumjenaev.de. The email address is managed equally by two people. If you would like your email to be read by a FLINTA* person, please write this in the subject line.

You can find more information in our awareness concept.

organise it yourself

Before we start organising, we have two important tips:


1. the Kulturschlachthof is a place in the making. Events are possible here, but so far only in the outdoor area and only with temporary infrastructure.


If that has really piqued your interest:


2. Our event working group will take care of your enquiries. Please fill in the form and send it to: events@freiraumjenaev.de – we will get back to you as soon as possible!